One dire wolf's journey through the worlds of imagination...
AKA: Tygerwolfe's Gaming Blog

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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving! Virtual Venison For All!

I haven't had time to get together my thoughts and get them down on paper regarding the next 3rd of my two week roadtrip, but as today is Thanksgiving, I thought I'd just do a silly little gamer post about something I'm thankful for.

I'd been having trouble, when playing The Hunter, of only finding does. Now does are nice, and my tracking and shooting has been skilling up quite well. But... well, does aren't trophies. Not really. So I made a post on the Hunter forums asking where the heck all the bucks were. Thanks to some advice from the forum people, I finally have begun taking actual awesome trophies. Allow me to share them with you now, and be thankful for all the (virtual) venison, elk, bear, and pheasant with me!

(Can't link pictures from my site's flash gallery here, so check out the original post to see all the pretty food- ah, I mean, animals. :P )

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