One dire wolf's journey through the worlds of imagination...
AKA: Tygerwolfe's Gaming Blog

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Monday, April 11, 2011

Adventures In Vash'ir

I will NEVER understand the Earthen Ring. I mean, I get the whole preservation of nature stuff... After all, Kalitri's a druid. I get it. But... Perhaps I should back up.

I (Destylae) have been questing in Vash'ir for some time now. Establishing bases, taking down Naga, rescuing people and supplies - the usual, really, at this point. In my 82nd level now, I'm quite used to this sort of thing. However, there was something I wasn't prepared for, honestly... And that was when the Earthen Ring sent me inside a giant, ancient nautilus.

It wasn't just a shell. I thought maybe it was just a shell. It wasn't. After getting a very up close and personal look at the creature's heart, brain, vascular system, and several other unidentified parts, when I reached the next Inn that allowed me to rest, I passed out. I will NEVER look at sushi the same way again.

But it's more that the Earthen Ring believed from the beginning that we could communicate with that ancient creature. Now, I'm used to animal communication, to a point. I think I have a damn good relationship with Hatari, my hyena, as well as all of my other pets, companions, and mounts. But... talking to a giant cuttlefish is beyond anything I'd ever... I mean, why not just go out and try to hold a one-on-one with the Whale Shark!?

Speaking of the Whale Shark - I don't know why, but I get the feeling the bugger is stalking me. Every time I look away to do something else, then look back or turn - THERE it is. Big, close... It hasn't attacked me yet, but the dang thing's the size of a house! BIGGER! And it's eyes are the size of my head. To find yourself being peered at by an eye the size of your head is possibly one of the strangest, most disturbing things that I can think of. And remember, I'm a Draenai. I can think of all sorts of horrible things, and the head-sized eye is still freak-out worthy.

I'll continue my adventures in Vash'ir soon, but for now, I would like to say one thing.

The Earthen Ring is just a bit nuts.

Ok. Two things.

Also. I am never going inside a living creature EVER again.

Ok. I'm done.

1 comment:

  1. *LOLs* I actually really liked that quest line. I could feel the ancient creature's pain, and I wanted to help her so badly. I felt so satisfied when I left, and her inner defenses were fighting off the Naga who had been mining her pearls. One of the better quest lines in Vashj'ir, IMHO. I suppose it comes from my deep connection to Azeroth, and indeed Nature. Every quest I do down there, I've done before, thousands of years ago. Probably why NOTHING in WoW weirds me out. More often than not, I just end up crying. You know which quest I'm talking about. :P

    I know what you mean about the whale shark...holy crap and WTF man. I love that sort of thing...nothing that big has ever been in Azeroth before. It was something so unexpected, so amazing, I just thought "Wow..." the first time I saw it. You actually get an achievement for killing that thing. xD Also, I thought he was stalking me at first, too, until I realized there's more than one down there. There's like, three of them.

    On the subject of gaming blogs, I'm about to create my blog for digital hunting games. I'm excited, because I found out how to take screenshots in DH2005, in Windows 7. It's an issue with the digital version, apparently, that I'll explain in my first post.
