One dire wolf's journey through the worlds of imagination...
AKA: Tygerwolfe's Gaming Blog

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rushing Is Bad

Even in video games.

I had half an hour to myself this morning, and I decided to resurrect one of my old passions - Hunting Games. I loaded up Deer Hunter 2005 (so excited to find out it runs on W7! :D Though some of my other old games don't), pulled up a quick hunt in open area so I wouldn't have to do too much work to find my quarry, and went after White Tailed Deer.

I had bagged a doe and a buck within the first fifteen minutes of my hunt. I had another buck tag that I really wanted to fill before I had to log off to get ready for school, so I got on my horse and went hunting around for another buck. Followed a doe with a fawn for awhile, but the bucks didn't seem to want to come out.

I was down to the wire, the last few minutes before I had to log off, when I saw him. Gorgeous, atypical 8 Point, slowly wading across a river. I dismounted, pulled out my rifle, zoomed in on his head in the scope and let a bullet fly. The good news is, I hit him.

The bad news is, I hit him while he was still, technically, in the water.

I'd forgotten one of the cardinal rules of hunting - you don't shoot prey over water. It makes them hard to retrieve, AND there's the possibility of a missed bullet riccocheting off of underwater rocks and hurting someone. The game's mechanics were aware of this universal hunting law, and I got an error informing me of the very reasons I just outlined for not shooting prey over water, and then it did the double injustice of telling me that I would receive no trophies for this hunt, but I could continue to hunt if I wanted to.

The doe and buck I'd shot earlier were gone. The tags were still marked as filled, but they didn't go into my trophy room when the hunt was over. All because I was in a hurry and didn't quite pay attention to where the atypical buck's feet were.

So let that be a lesson - rushing? Doesn't pay off.

Not even in video games.

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